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Carrot Cake

Carrot Cake

Have you ever baked a carrot cake on your Big Green Egg After baking this delicious carrot cake in your kamado, it should be left to cool for approximately 2 hours. As a finishing touch, garnish the cake with a…

Oosterschelde Lobster Thermidor

Oosterschelde Lobster Thermidor

Real classics like this Lobster Thermidor can of course also be cooked in your Big Green Egg! The basic ingredient in this recipe is the Oosterschelde Lobster, a unique variety that is renowned worldwide for its delicious flavour. Preparing the…

Grilled Cauliflower, Celeriac And Aubergine

Grilled Cauliflower, Celeriac And Aubergine

Grilled vegetables taste even better on your Big Green Egg. In this recipe we explain step by step how to easily and quickly grill different vegetables on your EGG and give them even more flavour. This way you’ll have multiple…

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