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Caramel and chestnut tarte

You would only need half the amount of dough prepared for this recipe for this tasty caramel and chestnut tart. Why not use the other half to bake cookies on the Big Green Egg?



200 g butter

300 g flour + extra for sprinkling

100 g granulated sugar

1 egg


1 can of condensed milk (approx. 397 g)

800 g sweet chestnuts, unpeeled

40 ml whisky

sea salt


vanilla ice cream

Caramel and chestnut tart


Cut the butter into blocks and add it to a mixing bowl together with the other ingredients for the crust. Kneed well, form into a ball and wrap in plastic wrap. Leave to cool at least 1 hour in the refrigerator.

In the meantime, submerge the can of condensed milk in a pan of water. Bring it to the boil. Reduce the heat and boil gently for 1.5 hours so that it forms a caramel. Ensure that the can remains submerged in water in order to prevent it from exploding. Remove the can from the water and leave to cool for at least 1 hour.

Caramel and chestnut tart

Caramel and chestnut tart

Caramel and chestnut tart


Ignite the Big Green Egg and pre-heat it with the convEGGtor and the Stainless Steel Grid to 180°C. Meanwhile, score the chestnuts using a small sharp knife and spread them over the Perforated Cooking Grid. Place the Perforated Cooking Grid with the chestnuts on the grid and close the lid. Roast the chestnuts for 15-20 minutes. Turn them regularly.

Meanwhile, line a low-sided baking tray with parchment paper. Remove the crust from the refrigerator and roll it out on a floured worktop until it is a maximum of ½ cm thick. Line the tray with the crust, cut away the excess (which is perfect for making cookies later) and prick the crust with a fork. Use the EGGmitt to remove the Perforated Cooking Grid with the chestnuts from the grid. Place the baking tray on the grid, close the lid of the EGG and bake the crust for approx. 35 minutes until done.

Leave the chestnuts to cool somewhat and peel them. Open the can of condensed milk, add it together with the whisky to a fireproof saucepan and heat on the EGG’s grid. Mix in the roasted chestnuts and spread over the crust. Leave to cool somewhat and sprinkle with some sea salt. Cut into slices and serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

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